Trussless Roof 2017-12-19T05:37:14+00:00


In the Decoiling stage our top finish Galvalume Steel coil is fitted in the decoiler to start the production.


The decoiled sheet goes through the Roll Forming station where 12 numbers of rolls help the plain sheet to attain the desired profile.


The Cutting machine is at the end of the Roll Forming Station, where the cutter automatically cuts the profiled sheet to the desired length.


The required curve of the profiled sheet is fed to the system, and is placed inside the crimping machine, which crimps it and gives the arch shape.


In the measuring stage the finished crimped sheet is measured with instruments to determine the arch of the sheet.



During the process of seaming continuous profiling of sheets is done, and two-three profiled sheets are seamed together.


The seamed sheets are then lifted up with the help of crane and are bolted on both structures together.



  1. Sans any truss, purlin or roof framework. Dyna TBS is truly self supporting.
  2. Machine curved to precision,it is a single continuous sheet from eaves to eaves.
  3. Structurally stable,able to face vagaries of nature. Acts as a homogeneous whole and as a single entity.
  4. Complicated structural framing is not required.
  5. Clear span systems offer unobstructed airflow and a superior temperature consistency. Panel profile and curved shape helps maintain the temperature in the building.
  6. Zero end laps, zero ridges and zero nuts and bolts ensures leak proof roofs.
  7. Faster construction, durable structure and cost effective.
  8. Customer friendly specifications and customized design are easily addressed.
  9. A shell like structure gives a greater enclosed volume and appealing facilities.
  10. Highly resistant to local weather conditions, able to face wind fluctuations and seismic changes. Able to face all weather conditions.
  11. Fits the calculations and structural requirements under STADD or Called out standards, A&E accredited firms.

Trusted Clients

We endeavor to perform to our optimum level, and let our satisfied clients do the talking.