Although there are many differences in the different Green roofs, they give us a number of benefits.The benefits of green roofing may include aesthetic improvements, waste utilisation,managing rain or stormwater and heat management among others. Let us look at some of the benefits of installing a green roofing system.
Aesthetic value of Green Roofing
A green roof is pleasing to the eye as well as an eco friendly strategy that is an easy option for improving the aesthetic look of any building. Moreover, green roofing also increases the investment value of the building.
Waste Management through Green roof
Green roofs are a beautiful way to divert waste from landfills as they can easily prolong the life of waterproofing membranes, and also reduce the associated waste. One of the main benefits of using recycled materials is that they increase the service life of heating, ventilation, and HVAC systems through decreased use.
Rain and Storm water management
Green roofs facilitate storage of water by the substrate which is then taken up by the plants. Thus,what is taken from the environment is given back to the atmosphere through transpiration and evaporation.
According to statistics during the summer season alone, green roofs can retain 70-90% of the precipitation that falls on them. Whereas during winters, green roofs can retain between 25-40% of the precipitation. Another benefit of Green Roofs is that they not only retain rainwater but also moderate the temperature of the water. Green roofs also function as natural filters for all water flows or runoffs.
A major benefit of Green roofs is the reduction of the amount of stormwater runoff. Moreover, green roofing also delays the time at which runoff occurs, resulting in decreased stress on sewer systems at peak flow periods.
Green roof and urban heat island effect
The urban heat island effect is greatly minimized through the daily dew and evaporation cycle, of plants on vertical and horizontal surfaces. The heat cycle can be reduced by covering the black rooftops with green roofing. It is also a good way to reduce the distribution of dust and particulate matter throughout the city, as well as the production of smog. Is it not a good way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapting urban areas to a future climate with warmer summers.
Improved air quality
Green roofs reduce air pollution and atmospheric deposition and also filter noxious gases by absorbing pollutants.
Green roofs can also moderate the temperature and reduce demand on power plants, thus potentially decreasing the amount of CO2 and other polluting by-products being released into the air.
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